Monday, June 29, 2009

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Gym Leader: Gardenia

In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl Gardenia is the second Gym leader. Her main type of Pokemon is Grass. If you have Pokemon around level 18 you'll be good, especially if you have a fire, flying or bug type.
Gardenia's Pokemon are as follows:

Lv. 19
Type: Fighting and Steel
Item: none
Attacks: Grass Know, Leech Seed, Safeguard, Leech Seed
Ability: Chlorophyll

Lv. 19
Type: Grass
Item: none
Attacks: Razor Leaf, Grass Knot, Withdraw, Reflect
Ability: Overgrow

Lv. 22
Type: Grass and Poison
Item: Sitrus Berry
Attacks: Magical Leaf, Grass Knot, Stun Spore, Poison Sting
Ability: Natural Cure

If you use the Pokemon mentioned above, it will be even easier than it normally is without them. Start with Chimchar and the battle will be over very quickly.

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