Monday, June 22, 2009

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Elite Four: Aaron

Aaron is the first of the Elite Four that you need to fight in Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. His specialty is bug-types and he has one Pokemon that is not a bug type.

Aaron's Pokemon are as follows:

Lv. 54
Types: Bug and Poison
Item: Sitrus Berry
Attacks: Bug Buzz, Toxic, Light Screen, Double Team
Ability: Shield Dust

Lv. 53
Types: Bug and Flying
Item: None
Attacks: Bug Buzz, Psychic, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball
Ability: Swarm

Lv. 54
Types: Bug and Fighting
Item: None
Attacks: Megahorn, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Night Slash
Ability: Swarm

Lv. 54
Types: Bug and Flying
Item: None
Attacks: Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Power Gem
Ability: Pressure

Lv. 57
Types: Dark and Poison
Item: Sitrus Berry
Attacks: Cross Poison, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace, Ice Fang
Ability: Battle Armor

To defeat this member of the Elite Four having a level 55+ fire Pokemon would be a good idea to have. With your fire type you should be able to beat the first four Pokemon pretty easily, and four Drapion, you should get a similarly leveled fighting type. I would recommend Lucario because it has a steel type too, and Drapion's Cross Poison attack will be made ineffective and the other moves will only do half as much damage.

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