Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Gym Leader: Maylene

In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl Maylene is the third Gym leader. Her main type of Pokemon is Fighting. I think that if you train your Pokemon to lv. 25-30 you will be alright while facing against her.
Maylene's Pokemon are as follows:

Lv. 30
Type: Fighting and Steel
Item: Sitrus Berry
Attacks: Drain Punch, Force Palm, Metal Claw, Bone Rush
Ability: Steadfast

Lv. 27
Type: Fighting
Item: None
Attacks: Brick Break, Leer, Foresight, Rock Tomb
Ability: Guts

Lv. 27
Type: Fighting and Psychic
Item: None
Attacks: Confusion, Meditate, Detect, Drain Punch
Ability: Pure Power

Pokemon types that would be beneficial to your fight are Flying and Fire types. Psychic would be all right for Machoke, but not Lucario or Meditite.

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