Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weekly Pokedex: Gorebyss

This time I'm doing another request from a cool friend. I give you Gorebyss

Obtainable by evolution in:
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Pearl
  • Platinum

DPPt Description: It lives at the bottom of the sea. In the springtime, its pink body turns more vivid for some reason.

Clamperl evolves into Gorebyss by trading with a Deepsea Scale

General Info:
Type: Water
Ability: Swift Swim
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 49.8 lbs

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum LV Up Attacks:
1 - Whirlpool
1 - Confusion
6 - Encore
10 - Counter
15 - Water Pulse
19 - Amnesia
24 - Water Ring
28 - Captivate
33 - Baton Pass
37 - Dive
42 - Psychic
46 - Aqua Tail
51 - Hydro Pump

That's it for now! I really would like to do Pokemon that other people want, so please, leave a comment and I will do them first-come-first-serve.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Gym Leader: Gardenia

In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl Gardenia is the second Gym leader. Her main type of Pokemon is Grass. If you have Pokemon around level 18 you'll be good, especially if you have a fire, flying or bug type.
Gardenia's Pokemon are as follows:

Lv. 19
Type: Fighting and Steel
Item: none
Attacks: Grass Know, Leech Seed, Safeguard, Leech Seed
Ability: Chlorophyll

Lv. 19
Type: Grass
Item: none
Attacks: Razor Leaf, Grass Knot, Withdraw, Reflect
Ability: Overgrow

Lv. 22
Type: Grass and Poison
Item: Sitrus Berry
Attacks: Magical Leaf, Grass Knot, Stun Spore, Poison Sting
Ability: Natural Cure

If you use the Pokemon mentioned above, it will be even easier than it normally is without them. Start with Chimchar and the battle will be over very quickly.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pokemon Item: Pokeball

The random subject for today is the Pokeball. I'll just tell you a bit about them like catch rate and cost. So here you go!

Pokeball: 1x rate - 200 Pokemunny
Great Ball: 1.5x rate - 600 Pokemunny
Ultra Ball: 2x rate - 1200 Pokemunny
Master Ball: 100% rate - Obtainable through story line and Lottery
Timer Ball: Increases every 10 turns - 1000 Pokemunny
Safari Ball: 1.5x rate - Only in Safari Zone/Great Marsh
Repeat Ball: 3x if its for a Pokemon you already have other wise 1x - 1000 Pokemunny
Quick Ball: Every 5 turns rate decreases-1000 Pokemunny
Premier Ball: 1x rate - You get one when you but 10 or more Pokeballs
Net Ball: On bug and water types 3x, on any other 1x - 1000 Pokemunny
Nest Ball: The lower the wild Pokemon's level, the higher the rate - 1000 Pokemunny
Luxury Ball: 1x rate - 1000 Pokemunny
Heal Ball: 1x rate - 300 Pokemunny
Dusk Ball: 4x at night or in a cave - 1000 Pokemunny
Dive Ball: 3.5x while diving - 1000 Pokemunny
Cherish Ball: Only available on Event Pokemon - Event Pokemon are found in it

That's all of them! If you want more info, tell me and I'll get you squared away. I've also got a story to tell you.
My friend Marcus had a Base Set Charizard card and gave it away to a kid that was Autistic, now he wishes he didn't so he could sell it and live off the proceeds.

Friday, June 26, 2009

BiWeekly Pokedex: Wynaut

I'm sorry I've not posted the past couple of days, I was at EFY this whole week, and coming home at 9:30-10:00 I'm not given much time. This time I've featuring the Pokemon Wynaut because I just barely hatched one in my Pokemon Emerald game. I named it Cecil after a friend of mine named Ceciley. So here you go!

Obtainable by breeding in:
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • FireRed
  • LeafGreen
  • Diamond
  • Pearl
  • Platinum

DPPt Description: It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

Wynaut evolves into Wobbuffet at level 15

General Info:
Type: Psychic
Ability: Shadow Tag
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 30.9 lbs

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum LV Up Attacks:
1 - Splash
1 - Charm
1 - Encore
15 - Counter
15 - Mirror Coat
15 - Safeguard
15 - Destiny Bond

On Tuesday I've got Gorebyss lined up, but after that I'm going to do any that someone requests, so hop to it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekly Pokedex: Drifloon

For this one I've decided to do my first fourth generation (which is the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl generation) entry. I present to you, Drifloon.

Catchable In:
  • Diamond
  • Pearl
  • Platinum
Platinum Description: Because of the way it floats aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a "Signpost for Wandering Spirits."

Drifloon evolves into Drifblim at level 28

General Info:
Types: Ghost and Flying
Abilities: Aftermath and Unburden
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 2.6 lbs

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum LV Up Attacks:
  • 1 - Constrict
  • 1 - Minimize
  • 6 - Astonish
  • 11 - Gust
  • 14 - Focus Energy
  • 17 - Payback
  • 22 - Stock Pile
  • 27 - Spit Up
  • 27 - Swallow
  • 30 - Ominous Wind
  • 33 - Baton Pass
  • 38 - Shadow Ball
  • 43 - Explosion
If there is a certain Pokemon that you would like to see here that I haven't already done, please leave a comment and say which one you'd like me to feature.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Elite Four: Aaron

Aaron is the first of the Elite Four that you need to fight in Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. His specialty is bug-types and he has one Pokemon that is not a bug type.

Aaron's Pokemon are as follows:

Lv. 54
Types: Bug and Poison
Item: Sitrus Berry
Attacks: Bug Buzz, Toxic, Light Screen, Double Team
Ability: Shield Dust

Lv. 53
Types: Bug and Flying
Item: None
Attacks: Bug Buzz, Psychic, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball
Ability: Swarm

Lv. 54
Types: Bug and Fighting
Item: None
Attacks: Megahorn, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Night Slash
Ability: Swarm

Lv. 54
Types: Bug and Flying
Item: None
Attacks: Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Power Gem
Ability: Pressure

Lv. 57
Types: Dark and Poison
Item: Sitrus Berry
Attacks: Cross Poison, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace, Ice Fang
Ability: Battle Armor

To defeat this member of the Elite Four having a level 55+ fire Pokemon would be a good idea to have. With your fire type you should be able to beat the first four Pokemon pretty easily, and four Drapion, you should get a similarly leveled fighting type. I would recommend Lucario because it has a steel type too, and Drapion's Cross Poison attack will be made ineffective and the other moves will only do half as much damage.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Overview of Pokemon Crystal

It's been a while, but here's my coverage on Pokemon Crystal.

Stats: This game came out in the second generation, being the third game after Gold and Silver. It came out on July 29, 2001 in the US and sold 1.65 million copies. It is the first game you are able to choose between playing as a boy or a girl.

Version Exclusives: Crystal Version does not have Vulpix, Ninetales, Mankey, Primeape, Mareep, Flaafy, Ampharos, Girafirig, Remoraid and Octillery and needs to be traded be traded over from Gold and Silver versions.

You walk down from your room and your mom stops you from walking out the door and gives you your Pokegear, your radio, map, phone and watch. She then tells you about how Professor Elm is looking for you. You walk over to his lab and he gives you your starter, Cyndaquil, Totodile or Chikorita. Elm sends you over to Mr. Pokemon's house to get a breakthrough discovery.

You make your way through Cherrygrove and go to Mr. Pokemon's and you meet him inside and he gives you a pokemon egg and then Professor Oak notices you and gives you the latest version of Pokedex.

When you leave Mr. Pokemon's house you recieve a call from Professor Elm saying that one of his precious pokemon was stolen. So on your way back to help the Professor, you come across a young man with long red hair and one of the starter pokemon. You fight him and afterward he tells you his name, which you later tell to a police man investigating the theft. Elm tells you what happened and then you give him the egg and he is ecstatic from this news. He then suggests that you go take the gym challenge and become stronger.

From there you catch and train many pokemon and fight tons of trainers to become stronger and ultimately beat the elite four and champion. Also along the way Team Rocket is trying to do more evil deeds and you need to stop them.

That's it for now. I can't write any more. Have a great week

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum feature: Pokeball Seals

In Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Platinum, there is a part of the game that does not impact the adventure at all, which is the Pokeball Seals feature. This small part, can add a little fun to your battles.
There are 11 types of seals and in 2 types of them there are five different effects, in 8 there are four different effects, and in the Alphabet type there are 26 for each and ! and ? types of seals.
On the PCs in DPPt under Your Name's PC there is a place where you can attach your seals to your pokeballs. You can put seals on up to 12 of them. The list is as follows:
  • Foamy Seal (A-D) - Foam
  • Star Seal (A-F) - Stars
  • Line Seal (A-D) - Lines
  • Ele-Seal (A-D) - Lightning Bolts
  • Heart Seal (A-F) - Hearts
  • Fire Seal (A-D) - Flames
  • Party Seal (A-D) - Party Popper
  • Smoke Seal (A-D) - Smoke
  • Flora Seal (A-D) - Flowers
  • Song Seal (A-D) - Music Notes
  • A Seal - Z Seal - Letters
  • Shock Seal - !
  • Mystery Seal - ?
Image ©Trigononamous

Friday, June 19, 2009

BiWeekly Pokedex: Cyndaquil

Due to a friend's request, I give you our fifth Pokedex, Cyndiquil the Fire Mouse Pokemon.

Obtainable In:
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Crystal
  • Emerald
  • HeartGold*
  • SoulSilver*
DPPt Description: It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on its back burn more vigorously.

Cyndaquil evolves into Quilava at level 14
Quilava evolves into Typhlosion at level 36

General Info:
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 17.4lbs

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum LV Up Attacks:
1 - Tackle
1 - Leer
4 - Smokescreen
10 - Ember
13 - Quick Attack
19 - Flame Wheel
22 - Defense Curl
28 - Swift
31 - Lava Plume
37 - Flame Thrower
40 - Rollout
46 - Double-Edge
49 - Eruption

*These games have not been released

Now I'm taking requests for Pokedexes, if you want to see your favorite one just leave a comment here, and I'll do my best to feature it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Gym Leader: Maylene

In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl Maylene is the third Gym leader. Her main type of Pokemon is Fighting. I think that if you train your Pokemon to lv. 25-30 you will be alright while facing against her.
Maylene's Pokemon are as follows:

Lv. 30
Type: Fighting and Steel
Item: Sitrus Berry
Attacks: Drain Punch, Force Palm, Metal Claw, Bone Rush
Ability: Steadfast

Lv. 27
Type: Fighting
Item: None
Attacks: Brick Break, Leer, Foresight, Rock Tomb
Ability: Guts

Lv. 27
Type: Fighting and Psychic
Item: None
Attacks: Confusion, Meditate, Detect, Drain Punch
Ability: Pure Power

Pokemon types that would be beneficial to your fight are Flying and Fire types. Psychic would be all right for Machoke, but not Lucario or Meditite.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Weekly Pokedex: Sableye

Now I'll be telling you about Sableye, the Darkness Pokemon.

Obtainable In:
  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Pearl
  • Platinum

DPPt Description: It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.

No Evolution

General Info:
Types: Dark and Ghost
Abilities: Keen Eye and Stall
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 24.3 lbs

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum LV Up Attacks:
1 - Leer
1 - Scratch
4 - Foresight
8 - Night Shad
11 - Astonish
15 - Fury Swipes
18 - Fake Out
22 - Detect
25 - Shadow Sneak
29 - Knock Off
32 - Faint Attack
36 - Punishment
39 - Shadow Claw
43 - Power Gem
46 - Confuse Ray
50 - Zen Headbutt
53 - Shadow Ball
57 - Mean Look

Really, if you want to see anything on here that's not here already, just leave a comment and it will be added next time.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Current Save Files on Pokemon Games

For this Sunday, one week since this Blog's birth, I've decided to tell all of you my names, Pokedex, badges and time of all of my games. So here they are.

Pokemon Red- Name: Sage, Badges: 0, Pokedex: 2, Time: 0:12
Pokemon Yellow- Name: Porter, Badges: 0, Pokedex: 1, Time: 0:13
Pokemon Crystal- Name: GOLD, Badges: 2, Pokedex: 7, Time: 3:05
Pokemon Emerald- Name: Eagle, Badges: 3, Pokedex: 3, Time: 2:02
Pokemon Firered- Name: RED, Badges: 1, Pokedex: 3, Time: 0:54
Pokemon Diamond- Name: Rusty, Badges: 8, Pokedex: 464 Time: 247:56
Pokemon Pearl- Name: Zelda, Badges: 0, Pokedex: 0, Time: 0:00
Pokemon Platinum- Name: Nelson, Badges: 1, Pokedex: 38, Time: 5:59

I don't think anyone cares too much, but I just wanted to see it all laid out like that. If you couldn't tell my most played game is Diamond.

Thanks for reading for this past week! It's been real

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pokemon Emerald Battle Fronteir: Battle Pike

I've decided to write about the Battle Pike in Pokemon Emerald. It is one of the easiest, and also one of my favorites.

First things first, you get to choose from three Pokemon to go with you through the Battle Pike. Once you start the round, you will be given a choice of three room to go into. The rooms are as follows:

1. A Single Battle.
2. All of your Pokemon are healed
3. A Double Battle
4. A Trainer who doesn't fight
5. A maze-like room with wild Pokemon
6. A room where 1-3 of your Pokemon can be afflicted by a status condition
7. One to all of you Pokemon are healed.

After you go through 28 rooms without a fail, you are able to fight the Pike Queen Lucy. At this meeting her Pokemon will be Seviper, Shuckle, and Milotic,

When you've gone through 140 rooms, you will get the chance to fight Pike Queen Lucy again. This time her Pokemon will be Seviper, Steelix and Gyarados.

Friday, June 12, 2009

BiWeekly Pokedex: Raichu

This is our second Pokedex and I'm featuring Raichu, the Mouse Pokemon.

Obtainable In:
  • Red
  • Blue Yellow
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Crystal
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • FireRed
  • LeafGreen
  • Diamond
  • Pearl
  • Platinum
Platinum Description: Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked.

Pichu evolves into Pikachu from Happiness
Pikachu evolves into Raichu from a Thunderstone

General Info:
Type: Electric
Ability: Static
Height: 2'07"
Weight: 66.0 lbs

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum LV Up Attacks:
1 - Thundershock
1 - Tail Whip
1 - Quick Attack
1 - Thunderbolt

That's everything I've got on one of my favorites! If there is anything you'd like to see added on these Pokedex entries, feel free to leave a comment on this article!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pokemon Battle

Something that is in every single Pokemon Game is the Pokemon Battle. This has been the main focus of all the Pokemon games. I'm going to just tell you about the basics of this function of the games.

Before a Pokemon battle starts, the Pokemon at the top of your list in RBY and GSC, or the top left of your list in FRLG, RSE, and DPPt, is the one that will be sent out automatically. After this you get the choice of four Menu Items:
  • Fight
  • Pokemon
  • Bag
  • Run
Fight: When you choose this option it shows the list of attacks that your current Pokemon knows, they will have up to four.

Pokemon: This option allows you to switch out for other Pokemon in your party and view any stats or attacks they might have.

Bag: Your bag is full of handy items you can use during your Pokemon Battle. They range from Potions, to restore HP, to X(stat)s which help boost your Pokemon's certain stat for the duration of the battle.

Run: You can't use this option when your in a Trainer Battle, but when it's against a wild Pokemon, you can discontinue the fight.

The main purpose of a Pokemon battle is to try to knock out the other Pokemon, or make them faint. You do this by using damage-inflicting attacks that your Pokemon may have. The stronger the Pokemon the more damage it will do, but if the other Pokemon is also stronger, the less damage it will do.
You can also use stat-changing moves. These can change a Pokemon's speed, lower their attack, or even heighten their defense. It all depends on the specific move.
The last kind of move is the status inflicting move. These are some of the best because they can burn, poison, paralyze, freeze, confuse and cause the other Pokemon to sleep.

Those are all the very basics of the Pokemon Battle. I hope you've enjoyed this.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June Coro Coro Pokemon HGSS

Today there have been some images scanned of the newest issue of CoroCoro, a Japanese gaming magazine. These images are of the yet-to-be-released games of Pokemon, HeartGold and SoulSilver. Not being able to understand Japanese, I looked www.pokebeach.com, who had all of the pictures translated. Below this paragraph the pictures are shown and underneath those is the translation from www.pokebeach.com

New scans from July's issue of CoroCoro have surfaced on Japanese image boards. More scans should be coming in today or possibly later in the week. According to Heerosferret, the first scan featuring the silhouettes of Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza states that once you defeat the Elite Four in HeartGold, Kyogre will appear in the wild, whereas when you defeat them in SoulSilver, Groudon will appear. When both legendaries are brought together in the same game, Rayquaza can be encountered as well.

The second scan just shows off Professor Elm's lab, depicts Silver holding a Great Ball, and shows a Team Rocket grunt. Nothing new is revealed from what we can tell. The third scan featuring Cynthia states, "Witness the birth of Arceus and Legendary Pokemon," though we have no idea if she is referring to Platinum's Arceus legend, these two remakes, the 12th movie, or what.

The fourth scan, which shows Arceus and Cynthia together in HeartGold and SoulSilver, features someone saying that they were "given the right to choose one life out of three." It is unclear if Cynthia or Arceus is speaking the line or who the line is referring to. It could be in reference to Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, as there are three symbols on the floor and Arceus rules over those Pokemon. This scene is most likely a hidden event, as it would be hard to imagine Arceus or Cynthia appearing in the timeline of the second generation. Perhaps if you trade the Japanese movie Arceus to the two games, you will unlock an event where you can capture one of the Dragon Trio, thus "saving" them. This is just speculation of course.

There might be another post from me today, so just enjoy this one until that time.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Weekly Pokedex: Ledyba

For the first Pokedex I'm going to be featuring Ledyba, the Five Star Pokemon.

Catchable In:
  • Silver
  • Crystal
  • Emerald
  • FireRed
  • LeafGreen

DPPt Description: It is so timid, it can't move if it isn't with a swarm of others. It conveys its feelings with scent.

Ledyba Evolves into Ledian at level 18

General Info:
Types: Bug and Flying
Abilities: Swarm and Early Bird
Height: 3'03"
Weight: 23.8 lbs

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum LV Up Attacks:
  • 1 - Tackle
  • 6 - Supersonic
  • 9 - Comet Punch
  • 14 - Light Screen
  • 17 - Reflect
  • 22 - Baton Pass
  • 25 - Silver Wind
  • 30 - Agility
  • 33 - Swift
  • 38 - Double-Edge
  • 41 - Bug Buzz
That's all I've got, if you've got any suggestions for these, please leave a comment on this article.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Overview of Pokemon Red

Something I'd like to do here is tell about a specific game in the Pokemon Series. Today I'm focusing on Pokemon Red Version.

This was one of the two games that debuted in the US in 1996. Ever since then it has made an imprint in peoples' hearts both young and old. In its first month since it's release it sold 265,000 copies with Pokemon Blue Version. It also featured the original 151 pokemon.

Version Exclusives:
Ekans, Arbok, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Mankey, Primeape, Growlithe, Arcanine, Scyther and Electabuzz. Ones could only find these in Pokemon Red and had to be traded over to Pokemon Blue.

You start out as a ten-year-old kid going on a Pokemon Journey. On your way to start out, Professor Oak stops you and takes you to his Laboratory to get you started. You're able to choose from Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur as your starter Pokemon. Your rival also chooses one of these three and a battle ensues.

After a short while you are delivering a parcel from a local Poke Mart to Professor Oak. Once you give the parcel over to him he asks you and your rival to achieve his dream for him: to complete the pokedex, an electronic encyclopedia on Pokemon.

Not too long after you start out, you come across Team Rocket, and have to stop them from accomplishing their evil schemes! There are plenty of their Team Members around, trying to stop you from stopping them.

From there on out you are on your own, catching and training Pokemon, battling gym leaders to eventually get the chance to fight, and hopefully deafeat the Elite Four, the toughtest trainers around

That's it for our Pokemon Red coverage!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The New Face of Pokemon

Pokemon is just absolutely amazing. Ever since I was little I have loved the Pokemon Games. I started out with Pokemon Red, and fell in love with the series. Today I play the games nearly every day, mainly Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Platinum.

I am also very excited for the release of the new Pokemon Games, Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver, coming out for the Nintendo DS. These are the remakes of Pokemon Silver and Gold, and so far, seem that they will be as good as the originals.

I recently have been playing the Pokemon Card game and have started to understand it more. It seems that the card game has grown even more popular in the last few years than it has in times past.

One thing I want to do with this site is to add a Pokedex entry of a Pokemon at least twice a week. I want to show the good and the bad about each Pokemon and explain where and how to catch them. If they evolve, I would also explain how to get them to the next stage.

This is why I am here and ready to give you information about nearly all things Pokemon. I hope you take the chance to read and enjoy these posts.