Friday, November 13, 2009

Heartgold and Soulsilver: Starter Pokemon

As with any Pokemon game in the original series, you get a choice of three starter pokemon. In this one, just like in Gold and Silver, you get the choice of Cyndaquil, Totodile and Chikorita.

Now you can get the original starters from Kanto, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. They way you obtain these is by obtaining all sixteen badges, eight from Johto and eight from Kanto, and defeat Red, you can talk to Professor Oak and you get a choice of the three.

The last of the starters you can obtain are the three from Hoenn. In order to get one of these you've got to defeat Red in Mt. Silver. Afterward go find Steven Stone in the Silph Co. building and he will congratulate you with one of those starters.

Make sure that when you choose your starters to get the best of each! (Fire types, by the by)

The results of the poll were pretty boring. We got 14 votes and a Steel type won with 3 votes. Make sure that you vote on our new poll to the right.

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