Friday, October 30, 2009


Regigigas is the king of the Regi Trio. It can only be awakened when the other 3 Regi's,(Regirock, Regice ,and Registeel) are present. It resides in the Snowpoint Temple in Snowpoint city in Sinnoh.

It is only obtainable in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
DP- There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.

Pt-It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma.

Start Fire Punch
Start Ice Punch
Start ThunderPunch
Start Mega Punch
Start Dizzy Punc
Start Knock Off
Start Stomp
Start Foresight
Start Confuse Ray
25 SuperpowerD
25 Revenge
50 Zen Headbutt
75 Crush Grip
100 Giga Impact

Hight-12'02" Weight-925.9 lbs.

This is one of my Favorite Pokemon.
Its interesting that Regi means king in some language and Gigigas means Giant.
King giant.

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