Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pokémon Rumble

Pokémon Rumble is the newest Pokémon Wii Ware game to be released in the U.S. The game is about Pokémon wind up toys that battle each other. You obtain other pokémon by defeating them similar to how you obtain pokemon in the Mystery Dungeon series. there are 6 lands called: Quiet Forest, Cold Meadow, Gravel Cave, Fiery Furnace, Shiny Beach, and Tower of Eternity. You go up in rank as you recruit pokemon with high power level. The ranks are C,B,A, and S. To progress through the game you must beat the Battle Royal which is a battle between you and a whole bunch of other Pokémon. There are also passwords you can type in to get new pokemon which are slowly being revealed. There are 6 as of right now and check http://www.pokemonrumble.com/ and http://www.serebii.net/melee/password.shtml
I am having a lot of fun with this game right now and a demo is available on the Wii Shop Channel for free and the Actual Pokémon Rumble game is available on the Wii Shop Channel for 1,500 points or $15.

1 comment:

  1. So does anyone think this is any good? I haven't been able to take time to get the download for the demo yet so I don't have an opinion yet.
