Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pokemon Emerald Gym Leader: Wattson

Pokemon Emerald's third Gym Leader is Wattson, and electric type leader. Here's his Pokemon:

Lv. 20
Type: Electric
Item: none
Attacks: Rollout, Spark, Selfdestruct, Shock Wave
Ability: Sound Proof

Lv. 22
Type: Electric and Steel
Item: none
Attacks: Supersonic, Thunder Wave, Sonicboom, Shock Wave
Ability: Magnet Pull

Lv. 20
Type: Electric
Item: None
Attacks: Quick Attack, Leer, Howl, Shock Wave
Ability: Static

Lv. 24
Type: Electric
Item: None
Attacks: Quick Attack, Thunder Wave, Howl, Shock Wave
Ability: Static

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